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Born at Sea: The Life and Art of Wood Sculptor Geoff Bromilow

Born at Sea: The Life and Art of Wood Sculptor Geoff Bromilow - SA History Festival

Wood sculptor Geoff Bromilow with one of his pieces

Born at Sea: The Life and Art of Wood Sculptor Geoff Bromilow

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Geoff Bromilow has had 'a life in wood'. Born at sea on a British ship in the Indian Ocean, his life has been at times, precarious and unpredictable. Nevertheless, his ongoing connection to woods, to nature, to art, and to history, has been unassailable. Dr Kathryn Pentecost has documented his life in her most recent book.

Geoff is a wood sculptor with strong links to the Adelaide Hills. He once had a timber business in Macclesfield; later, he lived (with Kathryn) at the Wairoa property on the border of Aldgate and Stirling.

Wairoa plays a central role in the settler history of Aldgate, in the sense that it was one of the first three large properties in the area. Wairoa was also a secondary location for Picnic at Hanging Rock - Petere Weir's famous feature film.


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