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Community Grants

Community Grants provide funding to local groups to help maximise community connections and improve the operation and sustainability of important community and sporting facilities.

Members of Oakbank Bowls Club with defibrillator

Adelaide Hills Council provides annual grants to assist local non-profit community groups and organisations to establish and undertake innovative projects or activities that align with our Strategic Plan and result in great outcomes for our community.

They are run every year to provide financial assistance to organisations to help deliver local initiatives that make a positive contribution to our community.

Thinking of applying for a community grant?

Community and Recreation Facility Grants

Community and Recreation Facilities Grants support not-for-profit community organisations located within the Adelaide Hills Council area to deliver improvements or upgrades to facilities that will contribute to the development of sport and recreation services. Funding is also available for facility planning documents such as master plan or feasibility study projects.

Minor Facility Development up to $10,000 — No matched funding required.
Major Facility Development from $10,000 – $40,000 — Funding must be matched (applicant contribution can include voluntary labour and/or donated materials).
Facility Planning up to $20,000 — No matched funding required.

Applications for the 2024-25 financial year are open 1–30 September 2024.

For more information, please contact Stacey Dutton.

Community Development Grants

Community Development Grants aims to assist local non-profit community groups and organisations to establish and undertake innovative projects or activities that result in great outcomes for our community.

Individual grants are awarded up to $2,500.

Community groups can apply for grants to deliver local initiatives that make a positive contribution to the building of community capacity through:

  • Arts/cultural development
  • Community wellbeing
  • Lifelong learning
  • Sport/recreation and active lifestyles
  • Environment
  • Aboriginal culture and heritage
  • Diversity inclusion and accessibility

Applications for the 2024-25 financial year are open 1–30 September 2024.

For more information, please contact Julie Wilhelm

Community Owned Halls Building Insurance Grants

Building Insurance Contribution Grants are available to not-for-profit organisations managing Community Owned Halls located within the Adelaide Hills Council area that are active in their provision of programs and services to our community.

The Grant is provided as outlined in the Community and Recreation Facilities Framework Policy.

The Grant Funding round will be widely communicated and will be based on an application being received at any time throughout the year via the application form which can be downloaded and sent to with the required supporting documentation.

  • Must be a ‘not for profit’ organisation managing a Community Owned Hall in the Adelaide Hills Council Area. And:
  • Must be providing a building or group of buildings that provide facilities for not-for-profit community groups to meet and undertake activities and that is owned by an association whose defined purpose is to provide services to the community of which there is no paid membership or purpose other than to provide/manage a facility on behalf of the community for the purpose of the community.
  • Council Owned Community Halls
  • RSL Halls
  • Aquatic Centres
  • Golf Courses
  • Emergency Services Occupation
  • Exclusive Use facilities
  • Other single us facilities that are not open to the general public for hire.
  • The grant figure will not exceed $2000 per annum per eligible hall and will be administered by Council administration, based upon the budget allocation provided for in Councils Annual Business Plan for Community and Recreation Facilities (Community Owned Halls Insurance grants)
  • All grants are administered in accordance with Council's Grant Giving Policy.
  • Copies of the Tax Invoices for the Insurance Business Pack that the association receives from the insurer, Local Community Insurance Services (LCIS)
  • Proof that the Invoice has been paid prior to applying for the grant. A copy of the associations bank statement or receipt of the bank transfer will be sufficient supporting evidence
  • Bank Account details will need to be supplied for electronic bank transfers
  • Current Program of Activities being delivered at the hall.

Download and fill in the form. Applicants are guaranteed confidentiality and security when sending through the applications. The form is easy to use and assistance is available if required.

Grant contributions for successful applicants will be paid on a quarterly basis. March, June, September, and December

These guidelines were accurate at the time of publishing, and supersede all terms and conditions contained in any previous guidelines. For information, assistance or to discuss your application, please contact:

Local Heritage Grants

Our district is renowned for its historic architecture and cultural heritage. The conservation of our built heritage will continue to create a district of outstanding places that meet the aspirations of the community.

For this reason, Council periodically establishes the Local Heritage Grant Fund (LHGF) to promote and support the conservation of Local listed buildings by reimbursing property owners with a proportion of the costs involved in retaining, reinforcing or reinstating the heritage significance of these places. While the Grant is not operational in the 2024/25 financial year eligible local heritage owners are encouraged to express their interest in the grant program in order to inform funding priorities for upcoming years.

To be eligible under the LHGF, the grant application must relate to a Local Heritage Place listed in the Planning and Design Code (Table 11 - Adelaide Hills). Funding is provided for conservation works that will improve and enhance the heritage fabric of a place, such as:

  • elements of the heritage place designated as of heritage value, or works that ensure the structural integrity of the building, or
  • reinstatement of lost elements or fabric of the building where there is physical or archival evidence, such as historical photos or drawings, or remnant site fabric of elements. (Conjectural works will not generally be supported except where no evidence exists and a heritage consultant is engaged to achieve an authentic and appropriate outcome agreed with Council heritage advisors).

A grant of up to $2,500 or 50% of the total project cost, whichever is the lesser amount, is available.
Grant funds may be used to cover some of the costs (up to $1,000) for obtaining professional advice from a heritage architect or tradesperson for the proposed works to be undertaken as part of the grant application. Eligible projects must have a minimum cost of $1,000.

For more information, please contact the Strategic and Policy Planning Team.

Minor Grants

Council provides Minor Grants to help deliver once-off, low-level support outside of other grant funding programs, for projects that benefit the community and align with Council's Strategic Plan.

The amount available under this program is 50% of the project cost, to a maximum of $300 and is open for application year-round. Groups may be awarded a Minor Grant every second year.

For more information, please contact Julie Wilhelm.

Youth Incentive Grants

Council provides individual Youth Incentive Grants to assist young residents to participate in sporting, cultural, or civic participation activities.

Applicants may apply for a Youth Incentive Grant of $100 for individuals to attend representative activities. These may include sporting, cultural, or civic participation endeavours.

Grants will be limited to a single application per applicant per calendar year.

Grants are open throughout the year, until the allocated budget is exhausted.

To apply for a Youth Incentive Grant applicants must complete an online Application Form available on the Adelaide Hills Council website.

Applicants must have completed the application form in full. Incomplete applications may not be accepted.

  • Any young person aged under 25 who lives in the Adelaide Hills Council district is welcome to apply
  • Youth Incentive Grants are only available to individuals. Team applications cannot be accepted.
  • Youth Incentive Grants will provide applicants with support for a single event or activity only
  • Applications must include the following details:
  • the activity that they are requiring support for (name of the event, date, and location)
  • applicant’s name and residential address
  • bank account details (BSB, account number, account name) that you wish the grant to be paid into if your application is successful
  • Applicants must include evidence of their selection or invitation to the event. This can be a letter or email of the governing body of the event
  • Applicants must include evidence, either by a letter or an email for participation of the activity they wish to participate in.

Grant funding will not be provided for:

  • Commercial or party-political activities
  • Religious activities
  • The reimbursement of funds already spent prior to receiving approval (applicants cannot seek funds retrospectively)
  • Services that form part of regular compulsory school curriculum activities. This grant cannot be used for school or tertiary study costs
  • Activities for the purpose of general fundraising or sponsorship.

Provide us with a brief summary of how the Youth Incentive Grant will be spent.

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