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Changes to your green and blue bin collections commencing mid 2025

In October 2024, following our 12-month Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) Trial, Council decided to change all township blue bin collections to fortnightly and green-lidded (FOGO) bins to weekly.

Green organics bin

More information will be available closer to the rollout of this initiative commencing mid 2025. In the meantime, we hope we can answer a few of your questions:


Why will there be changes to my waste collection in 2025?

  • Waste audits revealed that 40% of blue bins contained food and organic waste, indicating that this waste could have been recycled in green bins.
  • Rather than sending food scraps to landfill where they rot and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, food recycled in the green bin creates compost that is used to nourish soils on farms, parks and gardens.
  • Providing a weekly green bin collection means approximately 2,087 tonnes of waste will be recycled instead of going to landfill. This is a positive environmental outcome!
  • Switching to weekly green bin collection is estimated to save around $88,000 in waste disposal costs.
  • Annual CO2-e emissions can be reduced.

What is changing in 2025?

Applicable to all township areas in 2025:

  • Green-lidded bin will be collected weekly (previously fortnightly)
  • Blue-lidded bin will be collected fortnightly (previously weekly)
  • Yellow-lidded bin fortnightly collection will remain unchanged
The properties within the Woodside township trial area will maintain a weekly green lidded organic collection with fortnightly blue lidded waste and yellow lidded recycling collections.

Were residents consulted?

  • All trial participants were invited to provide feedback on the trial and the results showed that between 53% and 70% of residents, depending on the trial location, were satisfied with the weekly green bin collections, and most Woodside township residents supported continuing the trial service
  • During the trial, consultation was limited to participants, as they were best positioned to provide feedback on the successes and challenges they encountered.
  • Although residents outside the trial were not directly consulted, their feedback collected during the trial was noted and contributed to the overall results.
    Additionally, in 2020, the Council conducted a comprehensive survey of all residents to gather opinions on current and future green organic services.

Have other Councils made the same changes?

Yes, Holdfast Bay Council and City of Charles Sturt have weekly green bin collections because of similar trials. The City of Burnside and City of Campbelltown are currently undertaking similar trials. Alexandrina Council has had fortnightly general waste collections (blue bin) in place for several years.

What can go into my green lidded bin?

A good rule of thumb is that if it’s part of something edible, it can in your green bin! This includes:

  • fruit and vegetables scraps (including citrus, onion and pips)
  • dairy products and egg shells
  • processed and cooked foods
  • meat and seafood scraps (including bones and shells)
  • rice, pasta and bread
  • coffee grounds and loose leaf tea
  • spoiled or rotten food.

Non-edible items that can go in your green bin:

  • newspaper
  • paper towels
  • small paper bags
  • napkins and tissues
  • garden waste – lawn clippings, prunings etc
  • pea straw or hay
  • Pizza Boxes – greasy or clean!
  • Compostable bags
  • Pet waste

For more information visit Which Bin SA

What happens to the contents of my green bin?

Council contractors East Waste collect the green bins and deliver them to a composting facility where they are processed and turned into compost. Compost and mulch help to create healthy soils.

Will I get a reduction in my rates?

No, whilst the change in service may see a reduction in waste costs, any savings will be used for other Council services and provisions.

Can I opt out of the weekly green bin collection?

Whilst opting out of the weekly FOGO is an option, all requests will be managed on a case-by-case basis. If the opt out rates increase to a higher than desired number, the whole change to kerbside collections may be compromised. Council encourages residents to “give the change a go” and to contact Council with any concerns/ challenges with the change. Council staff are here to assist with the transition.

What about my yellow recycling bin?

Yellow recycling bins will still be collected every two weeks — alternating with the blue bin. We know yellow bins sometimes end up full before collection day. You can make space in your recycling by crushing plastic bottles and flattening and pulling apart cardboard boxes.

I have a baby in nappies, a large family or special circumstances. Can I apply for a larger blue bin or more frequent collections?

We understand that some household circumstances have special waste needs. If your household is large, has children in nappies or has additional waste due to medical reasons, you may be eligible for a larger or additional blue general waste bin collection and an additional yellow recycling bin at no extra cost. More details will follow closer to the changeover period.

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